Monday, May 20, 2024

வனநாயகன் குறித்து-35 (It's actually a thriller story with lot of twists)

வனநாயகன் குறித்து  நண்பர் Saravanan Gnanasekaran  மே, 2017-இல் முகநூலில் பகிர்ந்தது.


Have read a very good Tamizh Novel after a long time written by Baskar Anna. Its a narration by a character called 'Sudhankan' about his experience in Malaysia back in 2002-2003. It's actually a thriller story with lot of twists. It covers a wide spectrum right from love of a common man, different kind of people from different cultures and personalities, happenings in IT industry, office politics, betrayal of people whom you trust etc. The story happens in Malaysia and author did his best to describe about the places which would come as part of the story. I felt like reading my favorite author Mr. S. Ra. It was like the author sitting next to you and telling the story. I was amazed to know that this novel was based on a true story.
Vazhlthukkal Baskar Anna.. It was one of the best novels I have read.


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